Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Best Dialogue!!!!

There is a kindergarten teacher who does not believe of the existence of God.
He was thinking how to influence the children in the kindergarten for not to believe that God exists.
Suddenly, he got an idea....

Kindergarten teacher: Kids, do you see this pen?
Kids                             : Yes, teacher!
Kindergarten teacher: Is the pen exists?
Kids                             : Exists, teacher!

Then the kindergarten teacher put the pen into his pocket and then ask again...

Kindergarten teacher: Kids, do you see any pen?
Kids                             : No, teacher!
Kindergarten teacher: Is the pen exists?
Kids                             : No, teacher!

Kindergarten teacher: Kids, do you see God?
Kids                             : No, teacher!
Kindergarten teacher: Is the God exists?
Kids                             : No, teacher!

The kindergarten teacher are very happy because his aim to influence the children are success.
But... From the group of children, there is a smart boy named Riza... Then he raised his hand.....

Riza                             : Teacher, may I say something?
Kindergarten teacher: Yes, lets come forward.
Riza                             : My dear friends, do you see our teacher?
Children                      : Yes, we see!
Riza                             : Is teacher exists?
Children                      : Yes, teacher is exists!

Riza                             : Friends, do you see our teacher's brain?
Children                      : No, we don't see!
Riza                             : Is teacher has a brain?
Children                      : No, teacher doesn't has a brain!

Then, the teacher is aware of his mistakes...